A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related stories...one dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Good University of Portland Nurse Bad Fraud Nurse
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
This week, Tina is joined by Erica Bailey, a nursing instructor from the University of Portland School of Nursing. Together, they tell the story of an imposter nurse who was able to earn over two-million dollars without a nursing degree. They close the show discussing the Nurses of Color Collective, Erica's project that gives BIPOC nurses a safe space to find community, support, and healing.
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And if you are thinking about going back to school to get your master's, go to nursing.up.edu and check out The University of Portland School of Nursing's hybrid BSN to DNP program today!