A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related stories...one dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Good Neuro Nurse Bad Doctor Shrink Next Door
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
This week, Tina and David from the Nurse Papa podcast give you their take on the very popular podcast, The Shrink Next Door. This story takes place over thirty years and involves a psychiatrist from New York who is accused of questionable therapy practices and getting a little too close to his patients. It turns out, one of his patients is particularly vulnerable to his style of therapy.
They end the show with a discussion about a video that has gone viral of a nurse singing with a patient. However, this is not just any patient, she is a musical theatre major and amazingly talented. Nurse David Duckett from Duke University was the nurse in the video, and he agreed to come on the show for an interview. He and Tina talk about the importance of knowing your "why" in order to get through difficult times as a nurse. You will love David's passion for nursing and be amazed by his beautiful voice as well.