A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related stories...one dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Good Mosaic Nurse Bad Medical Examiner
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Nurse Mike with Simple Nursing is joining Tina this week to celebrate 500,000 downloads! A big thank you to all of our listeners for continuing to support our little podcast! In this week's episode Tina and Mike discuss the wildly bizarre story of a medical examiner from west Tennessee who was found in a stairwell bound and gagged with barbed wire. The story only gets stranger from there. They start off the show talking about nurses around the country who are being called off and either made to use PTO or don't get paid but aren't being let out of their contracts. They close the show with a wonderfully endearing story about a retired nurse who collected all sorts of different medicine caps and made a beautiful work of art.
This episode is sponsored by https://www.betterhelp.com/goodnurse . If you're interested in online counseling go there today and receive 10% off your first month while helping to support Good Nurse Bad Nurse.