A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related stories...one dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Good Gritty Nurses Bad Nurses Anagaile Soriano and Ruth Doerken
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
On this episode of Good Nurse Bad Nurse, Tina is joined by Sara and Amie, the dynamic duo of The Gritty Nurse podcast. They bring their sharp wit and turn their knowledge on a case from their neck of the woods, Canada. Together they discuss the bad nurse story of Anagaile Soriano and Ruth Doerksen and the care (or lack thereof) young Lisa Shore received. Our good nurse shout-out is for Sara and Amie, advocates of nursing and two people who you would want in your corner!
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Thank you to the American Nurses Credentialing Center for sponsoring our podcast. If you are thinking about getting certified in your nursing specialty, please go to https://pages.nursingworld.org/gnbn for more information!
Thank you to Trusted Health for sponsoring this episode. Please go to https://www.trustedhealth.com/gnbn and fill out a profile to help support our podcast and see what opportunities are out there for you!
Thank you to our sponsor Samuel Merritt University! If you’re interested in getting more information on their MSN and DNP programs and scholarships visit them at https://smumsn.com and show them how much you appreciate them for sponsoring our podcast!
Thank you to our sponsor CBD Stat! If you use CBD oils, please try CBD Stat and get 30% off high quality CBD available at http://www.cbdstat.care/goodnursebadnurse.
And finally, thank you to our sponsor Eko! Please visit them at https://ekohealth.com and use promo code GNBN for $20 off your purchase of the new Littmann Cardiology IV stethoscope with Eko technology!