A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related stories...one dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Good First Black Female Doctor Bad Doctor Coppolino
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
This week Mike with Simple Nursing is back to co-host another episode. Together he and Tina tell the story of a chiropractor from Florida who decided he didn’t like the 4,000 per month alimony he was ordered to pay after his divorce was final. As a side note, they discuss a high-profile case of a famous model who suffered a stroke after having a neck adjustment. Was her stroke caused by the adjustment? They close the show with a heartwarming story of two doctors who wrote a children’s book to help children of color from areas hit hard by COVID-19 to have a better understanding of the pandemic.
This week’s episode is brought to you by Trusted Health. If you’re even a little curious about travel nursing, go to trustedhealth.com/goodnurse and fill out a profile today!