A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related stories...one dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Good Distrust and Disparities Nurse Bad Nurse Malcolm Webster
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
On this week's episode, we are joined by Camille and Jasmyn from the podcast Distrust and Disparities. We are diving into the unsettling case of Malcolm Webster, a charismatic nurse whose relationships and marriages are marked by an eerie streak of misfortune. As Webster's troubling history spans across countries, investigators begin to suspect that the tragedies may be more than mere coincidence, revealing the dark machinations of a cunning deceiver. For our Good Nurse story, we are thrilled to feature our guest hosts and advocates Camille and Jasmyn! They discuss the health disparities that impact marginalized communities in the healthcare system and why challenging these barriers is important.
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