A light-hearted, fun podcast hosted by a registered nurse and special guests who take turns telling you two medical-related stories...one dark and mysterious ... one uplifting and inspirational. They also discuss current events and hot topics related to nursing and the medical field.
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Another Good COVID Doctor Bad Nephrologist Doctor Schwartz
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
This week, Tina is joined once again by Brian, The IV Guy! Together they discuss the strange story of Dr. Schwartz. This is a unique bad doctor story because our bad doctor is also a victim in this story. You will see how people can start out going down one path in life, but then things can go very differently with one decision. They close the show discussing Dr. Kory, a pulmonary critical care doctor working the front lines who testified before congress about the use of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
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